Custom HO scale kit for Dubai Trains

Bart from Dubai Trains reached out to see if we would be able to make some custom kits for his new layout. His build has some neat concepts so I thought it would be a good project to show how flexible the Modular Model Building System is. Bart is doing a build video, which will give you a different view of the system - watch out for that on his YouTube channel.

Bart needed a background brewery warehouse that will stick out from the background on an angle with an internal loading dock.

So he used the design grids to give me an idea of what he wanted and together we made some changes which have led to some new 1.5 story panels and some other panel inserts and 3D parts to go with them.

A little background on Dubai Trains and Bart - first up check out his YouTube Channel "Dubai Trains", there are some great videos there. Bart also designs layouts for clients and has some great ideas on how to design a working model railway.

I lock forward to seeing what he does with this custom kit and the building of his new layout.